[Anti] gravity House is located in Nasik, in state of Maharashtra, India. This project was built in response to a proposal received, which eluded a residence for a joint family of an industrialist in a region with a tropical wet and dry climate.

The whole conception of design started from questioning basic principles of engineering. Basics of engineering originate from gravity. Gravity is the force that attracts objects towards the center of the earth.

Therefore, the design was conceptualized with an imaginary inception that, what if earth’s gravity reduces by some amount, would all elements appear to be floating? So intentionally an attempt was made to design the elements that would appear to be floating inside the structure.

The entry of the structure is characterized by a floating staircase inside a glass foyer that leads to the upper story. This upper story is characterized by a gigantic living space with a robust appearance and the character of this space is conceived as the industrial one. Skylights provided through the roof add kinesthetic to the space. During the night the whole picture inverses where space turns into a part of starry night. One gets amazed by the presence of a black floating mass of a prayer space and lined from outside it is black with a wooden skin from inside that adds to the grace of it.

A level above, a fascinating corner for booklovers, i.e. a library with a seating gives a sense of tranquility, that further over looks into the living room which adds vibrancy to the scale of it.

A flight of staircase adjacent to the living on the second floor opens into the landscaped terrace. One can be see the beauty of landscape with changing sky while climbing up through a stairwell. Visuals of the building are influenced by the sculptor Jorge Yazpik, where building appears like a crafted volume of concrete and adorned with a presence of copper and wooden lattices. This gives a quality of cave, where first human settlement flourished, which gives enough opportunity to explore the expression.

The inside of the house is characterized by a variety of volumes of crafted concrete, where it resembles to the quality of monolithic stone buildings like Kailasa/ temples of Hampi. This quality gives an opportunity to light to fill the volume and to show variety of patterns and gestures. This gives meditative as well jubilant quality to the space.

The whole synthesis and process of design talks about, toying with the various principles of science (engineering), metaphorically it appears impossible that has made possible, hence this clarifies the name [Anti] Gravity given to it.